On Nostalgia – 1

Emulation of a PlayStation. An untouched fantasy of my childhood in a 90s suburb.

Rebooting the past or rebuilding a broken relationship, merely fueled by only nostalgia, ain’t a wise animal’s action. It’s the secretion of hormones that made you feel the unique emotions.

Often our memories recreate something beautiful about the past that in reality did not exist.

এইখানে বুক উচাটন দিন নামা, আমার আমি হয়ে ওঠার শুরু

For technologies or things out of reach in the past you can experiment in lab environment and enjoy the process of achieving the things once you worshiped like treasures.

But, for human relations... Obviously you must let it go. You can fix complex things, machines but not the hard wired human minds .... till now.
—Morpheus Somnus
