Wake Up Neo ......

Morpheus offering Pills to Neo
Source: Internet

Isn’t the devotion to becoming the Neo an anagram of a bet in gambling, Mr One?

It’s a spontaneous offshoot of the Holy Trinity, nurtured in the womb of time —history to be precise.

Wise seeks the wisdom, knowing that Nirvana is a myth and mirage, with bleeding feet on their own path that will obviously vary on personalities, tastes and zodiacs yet their destination is the same.

The true warrior wakes up from the dream to conquer, worships the Soul, neither the blade nor the path and detaches self from the dictatorship of the Conqueror.

And blinds are those who never pay attention and devotion to the fellow pilgrims or the sufferings and beauty surrounded by the path.

And blinds are those, too, who derail or change their path while paying attention to them.

Because the wise knows— the course to the wisdom is like the intercourse— orgasm is obvious and lasts for a tiny bit of time, and there is absolutely no beauty after it without an empty self that needs time to full, while prolonged or repeated coming might bring monotony and obvious death.

There is no absolute Truth and nothing after achieving the Wisdom till date.  After achieving them the Great Emptiness is waiting for us and no Human existence is able to hold it in their dimension.
So, enjoy the journey, pay attention, love the pilgrims and remember the Wisdom is embedded out there in your very self, in the very daily fucking life— not in a secret shadowy library and tomes in her womb.

Morpheus Somnus
