Requiem for a haven

Lost Haven in 2012

Faquir Foysol

Do you believe nowadays,
Once the haven was trodden
Before we became to her an alien?

A sanctuary of memory
We played card- nine and twenty
Discarding comrade gray-haired’s scholarly academy……
Enjoyed laughter,life,cigar,arts and reality.

Remember the wondered wanderer
(and his ebony girl)
On a pair of waning sandals?
Absorbed in Coleridge
And kitchen-gardening,
Thugs around him sniffing
For romantic scandals.

The haven blissed with a fallen Socrates,
Ethereal grass, psychedelic rock n eerie tunes-
Later left abandoned when minions
And their masters’ regime ruled.
Cheating sex, illicit money and Yaba pills
Grips the ambience of the valley of bliss
**The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
Only dust and ashes survives with our warmth.

**Taken from WB Yeat’s poem The Second Coming

written on June 13, 2018
Cellphone Snapshot: November 11 , 2012.
